Indian Blackbuck Antelope

Indian Blackbuck Antelope (Antelope cervicapra)  Habitat: Blackbuck can be found in a range of habitats including open plains, grassland and open woodland. Native to Asia, Blackbuck once roamed throughout most of India. Today this species occurs mainly in India, with a small population still existing in Nepal. It has been declared regionally extinct in Pakistan…

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Eland Antelope

Eland Antelope (Taurotragus Oryx)  Habitat: Found throughout Southern Africa: South Sudan, Ethiopia, Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Malawi, Tanzania, Swaziland, Zimbabwe and South Africa. 50% of Eland in Africa live in protected reserves. They are found in semi-arid areas but can also be found in grasslands, woodlands, sub desert, bush and mountaintops. Description: Fawn brown in colour with…

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Bongo Antelope

Bongo Antelope (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci)  Habitat: The Eastern Bongo were once found in the highland forests of both Kenya & Uganda but now can only be found in Kenya. They inhabit the dense tropical rainforests of East Africa with thick, lush undergrowth that provide fresh, low-level vegetation. Description: The Eastern Bongo is one of the…

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