Black Capped Capuchin (Cebus Apella)
Black Capped Capuchin's inhabit moist subtropical or tropical forests in the Amazon Basin, South America but have also been sighted in dry forest, gallery forest, disturbed and secondary forests. They prefer the under story and mid canopy of the forest and are the most versatile in regards to habitat tolerance.
Black Capped Capuchins vary in colour from light brown to mustard yellow to black, with a patch of coarse black fur on the crown of the head referred to as a cap. Their feet, hands and tail are also black with a prehensile tail that acts as a fifth limb. Their body length is approx. 30-57cm with their tail being just as long and they can weigh between 1.1-3.3kgs.
Least Concern
Interesting facts:
- Capuchins are diurnal, meaning they are most active during the day and are considered one of the most intelligent Neotropical primates.
- The name ‘Capuchin’ derives from a group of friars who wore brown robes with large hoods on their heads.
- Black Capped Capuchins mark themselves by washing their hands in their own urine and rubbing their hands on their fur.
- Their primary source of communication is through their wide range of facial expressions that represent many various things including flirting by raising their eyebrows.
- Capuchins have been known for their intelligence and this is shown through their use of tools.
- Diet: The Black Capped Capuchin is an omnivore and eats nuts, fruit, insects, frogs, lizards, pith, eggs, small mammals and small bats.
- Reproduction: Both Males and Females reach sexual maturity at 7yrs of age. A females cycle usually lasts 21 days with no external signs or swelling, she will usually mate with the dominant male of the group, after the birth the parenting is usually left to the female with allomothering common within Capuchins.
- Gestation period: between 150-160 days with usually one infant born, but occasionally twins are born.
- Lifespan: approximately 25 years in the wild and 45 years in captivity.
- Group Structure: Capuchins can live in groups of up to 8-30 individuals and are very protective of their group members fending off intruders.
- Predators: Hawks, Eagles, Reptiles, Jaguars and Humans as house hold pets or for meat.

Black Capped Capuchin Population Distribution Map