Black and White Ruffed Lemur
Black and White Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata) Habitat: Madagascar, off the coast of Africa is the native home of the black and white ruffed lemur. They are found along the east coast of the island. Three subspecies have been identified in their range. They make their home in tropical moist lowland and mountainous forests. Description:…
Read MoreGolden Lion Tamarin
Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) Habitat: The Golden lion tamarins are endemic to south-eastern Brazil. Golden lion tamarins inhabit forest sub-canopy, typically 5 – 20 feet of the ground. Overall, the preferred type of habitat is humid, secluded canopy, dominated by vines and having arboreal pathways. Other suitable types of habitat include cultivated land and…
Read MoreCotton Top Tamarin
Cotton Top Tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) Habitat: This species is found in tropical rainforest edges and secondary forests. The Cotton Top Tamarin has been found in a variety of habitats from wetland tropical forest, to moist woodland forest and dry thorn forest savannah within Columbia, although used to exist in other parts of South America. Description:…
Read MoreDingo
Dingo (Canis lupus dingo) Habitat: Generally speaking, Dingoes can live in a wide range of habitats found on the Australian mainland. Their preference is woodland and grassland areas that extend to the edge of forests. Description: Dingos are a dog-like wolf. They have a long muzzle, erect ears and strong claws. They usually have a ginger coat and most have…
Read MoreEmperor Tamarin
Emperor Tamarin (Saguinus imperator) Habitat: The Emperor Tamarin makes its home in the lush, richly biodiverse Amazon Rainforest south of the equator. Its range extends from the eastern Amazon Basin of Peru along the Rio Acre to the most western state of Acre in Brazil and to the far northeast corner of Bolivia. Description: Emperor…
Read MoreYellow-footed Rock-wallaby
Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus) Habitat: Yellow-footed Rock Wallabies live in semi-arid areas in rocky outcrops and ranges. Once common in arid mountain areas, today the species is only found in seven small pockets of land in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia. Description: An adult male can be 80cm tall and weigh up to…
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